3. Use the following chart to determine how your homunculus's stats are doing. To reference how good you're doing, simply look in the column for the stat you want to find, and and find the rank that best matches with the info you got from Amesani RO. Check this link to find out detailed information about the different ranks.

  HP SP Str Agi Vit Int Dex Luk
Abysmal Below 101.026 Below 2.359 Below 0.795 Below 0.564 Below 0.564 Below 0.026 Below 0.462 Below 0.462
Terrible 101.026-101.795 2.359-2.410 0.795-0.821 0.564-0.590 0.564-0.590 0.026-0.051 0.462-0.487 0.462-0.487
Poor 101.795-102.821 2.410-2.436 0.821-0.872 0.590-0.641 0.590-0.641 0.051-0.051 0.487-0.513 0.487-0.513
Below Average 102.821-104.359 2.436-2.487 0.872-0.897 0.641-0.692 0.641-0.692 0.051-0.077 0.513-0.564 0.513-0.564
Average 104.359-105.385 2.487-2.513 0.897-0.949 0.692-0.718 0.692-0.718 0.077-0.103 0.564-0.615 0.564-0.615
Good 105.385-106.923 2.513-2.564 0.949-0.974 0.718-0.795 0.718-0.795 0.103-0.128 0.615-0.667 0.615-0.667
Very Good 106.923-107.949 2.564-2.590 0.974-1.026 0.795-0.821 0.795-0.821 0.128-0.154 0.667-0.692 0.667-0.692
Excellent 107.949-108.718 2.590-2.641 1.026-1.051 0.821-0.846 0.821-0.846 0.154-0.179 0.692-0.718 0.692-0.718
Amazing Above 108.718 Above 2.641 Above 1.051 Above 0.846 Above 0.846 Above 0.179 Above 0.718 Above 0.718