3. Use the following chart to determine how your homunculus's stats are doing. To reference how good you're doing, simply look in the column for the stat you want to find, and and find the rank that best matches with the info you got from Amesani RO. Check this link to find out detailed information about the different ranks.

  HP SP Str Agi Vit Int Dex Luk
Abysmal Below 58.427 Below 4.427 Below 0.607 Below 0.843 Below 0.056 Below 0.506 Below 0.607 Below 0.506
Terrible 58.427-58.764 4.427-4.449 0.607-0.629 0.843-0.854 0.056-0.056 0.506-0.517 0.607-0.629 0.506-0.517
Poor 58.764-59.101 4.449-4.472 0.629-0.652 0.854-0.876 0.056-0.079 0.517-0.539 0.629-0.652 0.517-0.539
Below Average 59.101-59.663 4.472-4.494 0.652-0.685 0.876-0.910 0.079-0.090 0.539-0.573 0.652-0.685 0.539-0.573
Average 59.663-60.225 4.494-4.506 0.685-0.719 0.910-0.933 0.090-0.112 0.573-0.607 0.685-0.719 0.573-0.607
Good 60.225-60.787 4.506-4.528 0.719-0.753 0.933-0.966 0.112-0.124 0.607-0.629 0.719-0.753 0.607-0.629
Very Good 60.787-61.124 4.528-4.551 0.753-0.787 0.966-0.989 0.124-0.146 0.629-0.652 0.753-0.787 0.629-0.652
Excellent 61.124-61.573 4.551-4.573 0.787-0.809 0.989-1.011 0.146-0.157 0.652-0.674 0.787-0.809 0.652-0.674
Amazing Above 61.573 Above 4.573 Above 0.809 Above 1.011 Above 0.157 Above 0.674 Above 0.809 Above 0.674