Hello there Doddler, I hope you could read this^^ just a suggestion about your doddler calculator, I think it would be better if there's an option where you can set your PVP enemy ( the character class, its stat, skills, and its equipments) and not just monsters. so that we could know what isour damage that player and others in PVP mode^^. example
stat,skills,equips w/o GR,GTB
stat,skills,equips w/ GR,GTB
= what damage could I gave to that enemy wearing a GR and GTB
what do you think^^
this will look like PVP calculator where you can setup your enemy's class,stat,skills,equips and also yours,
I strongly considered making modifications to the calculator to support PVP type calculations, but because of the way its currently set up, I would have to manually make modifications to every single skill because of the unusual way the calculator is set up. Unfortunately adding things such as Ninja/Gunslinger are a higher priority at this time. Once they are added, I may make the required modifications to do a separate PVP calculator.
include ninja/gunslinger class in the stat calculator, so people can have info about how skills work or to know the cast times of spells for ninjas
how to releas the paladin skill devotion?
sorry for late reply hehe,
thanks doddler I highly appreciate what your are doing now its ok for and others, that you should do first what is most important than other hehe again thank you^^.