I'm getting a little annoyed at the ammount of minor changes to the wiki, and I'm thinking it might be worthwhile to require registration to make edits. It doesn't mean random people can't make any changes, it just means that they'd have to take a minute to sign up to contribute. What do you think?
I'm all for that. Is there a way to make it e-mail validated so it'd be somewhat more of a hassle for people to make another account if they were banned?
I'll have to look into that, I'm not actually familiar with much of the wiki internal workings.
Well good lord, I leave for 2 days (I'll be gone until the 27th with no net access for almost all of that probably) and I've already banned about FIVE people. In two days. Shit this is getting annoying. The sooner we do this the better.
Ok, its set up now. People should need to register to make changes.