I guess this doesn't have too much to do with the wiki, but seeing as Soukosa wants to presumably get rid of her RO obligations (hosting that lovely DB) is there a way we could take over? I guess it'd be good to know if Lune wanted it for RI as well.
Well after PMing Lune it seems he'd be willing to take it in.
Well the database is just parsed aegis/ea files with some custom tweaks. We have all the information from the site. The main thing that makes amesani, well, amesani is the site itself. Unfortunately it uses soukosa's own custom layout and content management system. Its unlikely we'll be able to port that.
You don't think she'd be willing to allow someone else to host the site itself?
At this point, I'm not entirely sure... I'll have to talk to her again soon. Havn't talked to her since she left.