In specific cases, you might have to pay a few extra charges for each exchange. Before you go through the arrangements on the most proficient method to add cash to your toll card, investigate the accompanying to know the name of the banks that are related with the Chime:
To Add Money to a Chime Card through the web-based gateways, you or any client need to follow the accompanying advances:-
Make a web association with your gadget.
Open the Chime application on your gadget.
Complete the Sign In process by utilizing a client name and secret word.
On the App, find the Setting area and tap on it.
Click on the Link a Bank Account tab.
Select your bank from the accessible rundown and snap on the proceed with tab.
Then, offer the bank qualifications or on the other hand on the off chance that you are another client, interface your outside ledger.
Pick the Move Money choice and Transfer cash from your financial balance to your toll account right away.