An infinite text grid with no rules or services, advertise and SEO website with it and you can get on with your life (with the exception of all the spam comments you would get about every article with “SEO” in the title).
Not a post of what can be done with a computer, or a site builder, but how to make a website from a blank slate. From nothing.
It starts with some HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
In this post I’ll cover the basic setup and show you how to publish the site to Heroku or Netlify. You don’t have to worry about getting it to Google or any other search engine, SEO is a black hole. It doesn’t matter how many sites I publish, how many times I publish, or what kind of content I put on my site. When people search for something, it doesn’t matter if I’ve published a million times before, or how many different sites I’ve published, or the content of all the sites.
Get into the infinite text grid and use the chat or grid to advertise. You can also advertise your website in the chat or in the grid. All the ads are free of cost and will remain until you stop advertising.
the one piece is real