Metamask extension (4)

1 Name: Roy : 2023-03-31 23:42 ID:4c590my1 [Del]

MetaMask does work as a browser extension, but it can be used as a mobile application as well. Acquiring and using the MetaMask extension is pretty simple and straightforward. Hence, if you want to know how it all works, keep reading the details we are going to give you. We all know how to manage the funds via a mobile app but, to organize funds through an extension might seem quite difficult to some of us. But this is only a myth that working with the extension is hard and to break this belief, we will discuss how to download and install the MetaMask browser extension in this section of the article.

2 Name: asdada : 2023-04-01 00:12 ID:uxt7AKS2 [Del]

For the web, users can download it by reaching the official website of the Atomic wallet. After reaching there they need to drag the cursor to the top right side of the screen and click on “Download”. As a consequence of this, the complete list of download options will appear up.

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