I’ve received quite a few questions about what skills are and are not currently allowed to be used on jRO.  jRO, like iRO, have taken balance measures into their own hands due to Gravity’s slow moving nature in attempting to fix skill bugs and abuses.  They do this by the only means they really can, disabling the use of specific skills in specific situations.
iRO’s fixes are more firmly in place to correct game exploits, such as blocking warg bite and extreme vacuum on maps where MVPs appear and in memorial dungeon instances. Â jRO’s approach is equally valid, but focuses specifically on blocking skill usage that could be used to grief other players and blocking skills that may negatively impact the enjoyment of siege and other game aspects due to their power. Â Knuckle Arrow, Dragon’s Breath, Deep Sleep and other skills are blocked on siege maps because of their largely overpowering effects. Â Skills like a Maestro’s “Harmonize” was blocked because it could be used to remove the stat bonuses of other players, including removing bonuses that they had paid for through the kafra shop.
This is the basis of their changes. Â Like iRO, the purpose of these changes isn’t as a long term fix, but limiting the effects of bugs and unbalanced skills as much as possible until Gravity is able to review the situation and add a fix. Â jRO staff had outlined their plans for fixes before (see this post), and plan on streaming live on the 29th on ustream describing their current progress.
The complete list of changes they’ve made is as follows. Continue reading